A Formula for Success

Hot Shot's Secret and Brenton Productions: A Formula for Success

[fa icon="calendar"] Jul 18, 2018 3:04:36 PM / by Brenton Productions

Brenton Productions

In addition to air time, Two Guys Garage and Truck U breakroom segments are posted on the show’s webpage, along with a link to the product’s website. With web traffic directed from the episode page to a virtual storefront, viewers can easily become potential customers.


“It was worth a try, so we did one episode,” says Gabrelcik, “and we got a lot of hits on the website. That’s all we had at the time, was just a website; we didn’t have any retail distribution.” Retail didn’t enter the picture for LSI until about 2012, when Gabrelcik and his team began selling to local garages, then regional chain stores, and finally national retailers. When LSI landed a deal with Tractor Supply Company, Gabrelcik says it became necessary to scale up their advertising.


This meant taking advantage of additional types of integrations on Brenton Productions’ series, Two Guys Garage and Truck U. 2012 also brought LSI the opportunity to tell the story of the ever-growing Hot Shot’s Secret product line on All Girls Garage and Car Fix, two new series that Brenton Productions created for the launch of the Velocity network. This expanded roster provided Gabrelcik and his growing team with the ability to begin experimenting with new approaches to spreading the word about their products.


“We kept looking for more ways to do things on a really bigger scale,” says Gabrelcik. “And that’s what Brenton has – that’s the unique selling advantage of TV.”


Wave Mathematics:

Exploring the Impact of Product Integration


Breakroom product features are just one of the ways products can be integrated into an episode of Two Guys Garage or Truck U. Products can also be demonstrated or installed during an in-show product feature, or star in a tech tip – a one-minute segment that teaches the viewer how to solve a common problem or complete a DIY project. A product can also gain brand presence through sponsorship and brand exposure opportunities.


Over the years, LSI has tried different combinations of these integrations. With more options for increasing his consumer audience, Gabrelcik says TV allows his team to strategize their ad spending in preparation for each step of expanding the business. Ever the scientist, he has worked with his team to create an equation for how their marketing budget should grow in order to reach more consumers quickly.


“We did all different kinds of things like commercials, breakrooms, tech tips, and in-show features,” says Gabrelcik. He says he and his team observed how their web traffic averages would increase each time one of these segments aired on TV. “So, if at the time it was, maybe, 1000 people a day coming to the website, whenever an episode would air with an in-show feature, it went up to 2000.” Tracking the average increases for each kind of integration, Gabrelcik and his team used that data to create a strategy for how to best grow their audience. He says TV allows for this rapid audience increase in a way that few other methods can.


He also says getting consumers to choose his product is where TV proves to be a more effective tool, because it tells the full story of how a product works and why it is the best choice. When Truck U director and producer Matt Allegretti creates an integration for a Hot Shot’s Secret product, he and Gabrelcik always start the conversation by addressing the science of how the product was designed to fix a common problem. From the beginning of his working relationship with Gabrelcik, Allegretti could see that communicating the chemistry behind each product was the key to developing a compelling story.


“Chris would go, ‘Let me tell you why I developed this product first and foremost – because I was fixing this problem that actually happens,’” says Allegretti.


The next step is finding a truck that matches the story Gabrelcik wants to tell. Allegretti says the best product integrations often stem from a need to solve a problem with a vehicle. For a Hot Shot’s Secret integration, this often means revealing the inner workings of the truck to the viewer, in order to visually explain what that problem is, and how Gabrelcik’s product can fix it. Sometimes this means doing a spray test with fuel injectors or removing and tearing apart an oil separator to show what’s going on inside the truck.


“It’s not just, ‘Oh, your engine’s knocking; you can fix an engine knock with this,’’ says Allegretti. “It’s really zeroing in on, ‘Here’s the actual problem.’ We would get a little more scientific on it.”


{Embed video playlist here? Various Hot Shot’s Secret features to demonstrate integrations, tech tips, etc.?}


Getting viewers to understand how his products fix common problems is one of the major ways Gabrelcik says TV does for his business what other forms of marketing and advertising can’t.


“For instance, on the shelf at Tractor Supply, I can’t show the cutaway of a turbo charger; I can’t show how stiction is being eliminated, or why this product does it, because I’ve only got maybe ten seconds to grab a consumer’s attention,” says Gabrelcik. “You’re not going to go back and look at all the laboratory testing and, ‘How did this one compare with that one, and which one did a better job?’ You don’t have the option to do that when you’re standing at the shelf...so TV gives us a chance to do that – it gives us the chance to tell a story, and that’s the primary area where we’re able to excel.”


“They don’t just take a marketing approach to it; it’s more, ‘Let’s look at the chemistry,’” says Allegretti. “I think that’s why Chris has been so successful… He’s always done that.”


Intermolecular Force:

Building a Bond Between Hot Shot’s Secret and Brenton Productions


In 2015, Gabrelcik was honored as an Ernst & Young Entrepreneur Of The Year for the Ohio Valley region. Following this prestigious honor, LSI expanded to a new 35,000 square foot facility that now houses a growing staff and a business that continues to expand.


“When we started it was one product, and now we have 20,” says Gabrelcik. “And we’ve used Brenton Productions to introduce new products, and to inform people about what the products are.”


Gabrelcik believes that the highest-quality products have the most to gain from TV. When LSI hired a marketing company in 2016, Gabrelcik and his team were advised that the key to continuing their success was to keep educating their customers on how and why their products outshine their retail shelf rivals.


“They said, ‘You guys have created a really high-end, professional-grade product that’s on the shelf with other stuff,” says Gabrelcik. “‘Somehow, you’ve got to get the story told – yes, they both say the same thing, but this is how much different it is.’ And that’s what TV gives us the opportunity to do.”



Topics: television, advertising, production, value

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